Monday, February 29, 2016

Unit 3 Notes - February 23rd, 2016

Investment Demand Curve (ID)

What is the shape of the Investment Demand Curve?
·         Downward sloping
·         When interest rates are high, fewer investments are profitable; When interest rates are low, more investments are possible.

Shifts in Investment Demand

Cost of Production:
·         Lower costs shift ID to the right.
·         Higher costs shift ID to the left.
Business Taxes:
·         Lower Business Taxes shift ID to the right.
·         Higher Business Taxes shift ID to the left.
Technological Change:
·         New Technology shift ID to the right.
·         Lack of Technology shift ID to the left.
Stock of Capital:
·         Low on Capital shifts ID to the right.
·         Much Capital shifts ID to the left.
·         Positive Expectations shift ID to the right.
·         Negative Expectations shift ID to the left.

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