Sunday, February 7, 2016

UNIT 2 Notes - January 28th, 2016

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): The total market value of all the final goods and services that are produced within a countries borders in a given year.
Gross National Product (GNP): The total market value of all final goods and services by citizens of that country on its land or foreign land.

Included in GDP

·         C: Personal Consumption Expenditures (65% of what we spend)
·         IG: Gross Private Domestic Investment (17% of what we spend)
o   New Factory Equipment
o   Factory Equipment Maintenance
o   Construction of housing
o   Unsold inventory of products built in a year
·         G: Government Spending (20% of what we spend)
o   School busses, teachers, salaries, ditches, etc.
·         Xn: Net Exports (Exports minus Imorts ) (-2% of what we spend) (More Imports than Exports)

Not Included in GDP

·         Intermediate Goods: Goods that require further processing before they are ready for final use
·         Used/Second-Hand Goods: Trying to avoid “double counting”
·         Purely Financial Transactions: Stocks & Bonds
·         Illegal Activities: Drugs
·         Unreported Business Activities: Unreported Tips
·         Transfer Payments:
o   Public- Social Security, Veterans, Welfare
o   Private- Scholarships
·         Non-Market Activity:
o   Volunteering
o   Babysitting
o   Any work performed for yourself

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