Sunday, February 7, 2016

UNIT 2 Notes - February 5th, 2016

GDP Gap: The amount by which actual GDP falls short of potential GDP

Okun’s Law: For every 1% that the actual unemployment rate exceeds the natural rate of unemployment, a GDP Gap of about 2% occurs.
EX: In 2012, the unemployment rate for Mexico was 7.4%. The NRU is 6%. Find the GDP Gap.
7.4% - 6% = 1.4%
1.4% X 2% = 2.8% GDP Gap

Rule of 70: Used to determine how many years it will take for a value to double give a particular annual growth rate.
EX: If you put $20,000 in the bank, and it earns a yearly interest of 7%, how many years will it take for your income to double?

70 (Rule of 70) / 7% (Interest Rate) = 10 Years

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