Sunday, February 7, 2016

UNIT 2 Notes - February 3rd, 2016

Real Interest Rate VS Nominal Interest Rate

·         Nominal Interest Rate: Not adjusted for inflation. The Percentage increase in money you pay the lender for the use of money that you borrowed.
NIR = RIR + Inflation Premium
·         Real Interest Rate: Adjusted for Inflation. The percentage increase in the purchasing power the lender receives when the borrower repays the loan with interest (Unanticipated Inflation)
RIR = NIR – Inflation

Unanticipated Inflation

·         Hurt by Inflation:
o   Savers
o   Lenders/Creditors
o   Those who are on a fixed income (Elderly, Welfare, Pension)
·         Helped by Inflation:
o   Debtors

C.O.L.A. (Cost of Living Adjustment): Automatic wage increases when inflation occurs.

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