Wednesday, January 13, 2016

UNIT 1 Notes - January 6th, 2016

4 Factors of Production

Ø  Factors of Production: Resources required to produce goods and services
o   Land (Natural Resources)
o   Labor (Work Force)
o   Capital
§  Physical Capital: Tools, Buildings, Factories, Machines
§  Human Capital: Skills, Abilities, Knowledge, Talents
o   Entrepreneuership
§  Being innovative
§  Being a risk taker

Trade-offs- Alternatives that we give up whenever we choose one course of action over another
Opportunity Cost- The next best alternative
Production Possibility Curve (PPC), Frontier (PPF), Graph (PPG)- To show alternative ways to use an economy’s resources

4 Assumptions of a PPG

Ø  Two Goods
Ø  Fixed Resources (Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneurship)
Ø  Fixed Technology
Ø  Full Employment of Resources

Efficiency- Using resources in such a way as to maximize the production of goods and services
Allocative Efficiency- The products being produced are the ones that are most desired by the society
Productive Efficiency- Products are being produced in the least costly way; Any point on the PPC
Underutilization- Using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using

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