Wednesday, January 20, 2016

UNIT 1 Notes - January 13th, 2016

Elasticity of Demand- A measure of how consumers react to a change in price
o   Elastic Demand- Demand that is very sensitive to a change in price (E > 1)
§  Product is not a necessity
§  Available substitutes
§  Ex: Soda, Steak, Candy, Fur Coats
o   Inelastic Demand- Demand that is not very sensitive to a change in price (E < 1)
§  Product is a necessity
§  Few to no substitutes
§  People will buy no mater what
§  Ex: Medicine, Salt, Gas, Milk
o   Unit(ary) Elastic- (E = 1)

Price Elasticity of Demand

o   Step 1: Quantity: First take the new quantity, subtract the old quantity, and divide the difference by the old quantity.
[New Quantity – Old Quantity]/Old Quantity
o   Step 2: Price: Then, take the new price, subtract the old price, and divide the difference by the old price.
[New Price – Old Price]/Old Price
o   Step 3: PED: Finally, take your answer from Step 1 and divide it by the answer from Step 2.
[% change in quantity demanded]/[% change in price]

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