You should elaborate on complimentary goods as well as substitute. An example for complimentary would be things that go together that effect each others demand, such as burgers and fries, or marshmallows and hot coco. An example of substitute goods would be is they don't have coca cola you would go for sprite if not sprite than dc. pepper and so on. You could also mention how for complimentary goods if the price or demand of some good were to go down same would go for the other. Great blog though!
You should elaborate on complimentary goods as well as substitute. An example for complimentary would be things that go together that effect each others demand, such as burgers and fries, or marshmallows and hot coco. An example of substitute goods would be is they don't have coca cola you would go for sprite if not sprite than dc. pepper and so on. You could also mention how for complimentary goods if the price or demand of some good were to go down same would go for the other. Great blog though!